
the team

  • Monica Hellström - Producer

    Monica Hellström is a three-time Oscar® nominee for producing Flee (nominated Best Documentary Feature and Best Animated Feature 2022) and A House Made of Splinters (nominated Best Documentary Feature 2023). She’s a member of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and was selected for Producer on the Move, Cannes 2020. She started her company Ström Pictures in May 2022 and has before that been a producer at Final Cut for Real for twelve years since 2010. She previously worked at Upfront Films and The Danish Film Institute's Film Workshop. She graduated from EAVE Producer Workshop in 2010, holds an MA in film from the University of Copenhagen (DK) and a BA in film from the University of Bedfordshire (UK).

  • Emma Mørup - Line producer

    Emma Mørup has a combined background within documentary film and research. She is educated from the European Film College in Denmark with a specialisation in documentary, holds a BSc in Geography and Geoinformatics and is currently completing an MSc in Human Geography at the University of Copenhagen. Alongside this, and between 2016-2023, she has been working at CPH:DOX - Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival as project manager for CPH:FORUM, the festival’s longstanding international co-production and financing pitch platform.

  • Gitte Randløv - Accountant